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Dex Media, Inc would like to send you e-mail messages to provide information about products and services that Dex Media, Inc makes available (such as free product offerings, new product offerings, and other advertising solutions), to provide business and resource newsletters, and to otherwise communicate with you.

You can review your e-mail preferences by submitting your e-mail address below. You will then have the opportunity to indicate your preference to 'opt out' of receiving commercial e-mail messages (the primary purpose of which is the commercial advertisement or promotion of a commercial product or service) from Dex Media, Inc.
Please provide your e-mail address below and click on "submit".
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Important Note About Changing Your Status
Please allow 10 business days for your opt-out request to take affect. Please note that Dex Media, Inc reserves the right to send certain types of e-mail messages that are not subject to opt-out (for example, e-mail messages related to advertising you have already purchased from Dex Media, Inc (containing information such as order status, service alerts, security alerts, and billing information), other transactional or relationship e-mail messages, and other non-commercial e-mail messages).
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